Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Surgery 2/13

After our doc appt with the surgeon...we talked and talked and talked about what we think the best tube would be for Jake. We decided that we would go ahead and go with the gtube. It just seemed like the best option for us right now.
They scheduled the surgery for Feb 5th. I was not expecting it to be that late. I thought for sure it would be in late december or even early January. But because of the holidays all falling on Monday and tuesdays, the schedule for surgery was really packed.
It was frustrating for us because Jake needed a clean out so bad!! He has needed one since he went to the hospital last time, in October. But they kept telling us that we needed to hold off until this surgery because insurance would not approve it when it was so close to the clean out date. So we really hoped the surgery would be sooner rather than later. Well that didnt happen. So hes still in a ton of pain, and needs a clean out. And the pain meds they will give him after his surgery will make him even more constipated. So I know we are going to be even more full after this. So I expect a clean out in the very near future. Then after this last clean out it should be our last one for a long while.
So the surgery was set for Feb 5th. About a week before that, I get a call saying that the doc had to reschedule the surgery because he had something else come up and needed to push it back a week. So we did. The new surgery time is Feb 12th. Well they caled me a few days later and said that we could move the surgery back to the 5th because what the doc needed to do, it wasnt going to happen. Well we had already switched everything around and so we just said we would stick with the 12th.
Well today is the 10th so in a few days we will be getting the surgery done. We are getting admitted tomorrow to have glucose in the IV because he can not fast. So we need to make sure that he has sugar in his body before he goes and fasts for his surgery.
I will update more when we are done with the surgery and through out our time at the hospital.

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