Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tests test and more tests!

In October Jacob started having major stomach pain.  Every time he would eat, he would either throw it up, or have horrible pain.  We tried everything!  Every once in a while his stomach wouldnt hurt but that was pretty rare.  So I took it upon myself to start a blended diet for him.  I got a few recipes off the internet and started feeding him through his tube.  From the first feeding, he had NO pain!  I couldnt believe it!  He was getting food and was not in pain!  So I talked to our ped and he said that if Jacob isnt hurting then we might as well just start doing it for all meals (we just did it for breakfast for a few weeks).  Once we started doing it full time, I noticed a huge change in him.  He no longer had pain and it was great!  So we went to GI and she said that he needs more food so she has him on pediasure as well.  It is working great, so far.  He has pain still but its not while hes eating.

So because of the mito, every time Jacob has to be put under, it requires a hospitalization.  Well his GI doc wanted to do a few tests because of this new pain in his stomach and no longer being able to tolerate food.  We did a scope and biopsy and they both came back fine.  The scope showed some redness and irritation but she said that is normal because of the reflux.  The biopsy came back with some abnonrmal findings but she said that in her GI forums, they talk about this issue all the time and its nothing to worry about.  Its pretty normal.  Sooo no news there!  Of course!  But we were admitted for a few days because of this procedure and then he was really dehydrated so he needed fluids.  The bad thing about it all, was that he was admitted on halloween!  So he was not able to trick or treat and we got there too late in the day to partake in any of their halloween fun at the hospital.  So it was pretty lame.  But I got to stay home and Tom went and helped Jake at the hospital.  And Tyler and I went out and trick or treated for a few hours.  It was a lot of fun being able to spend some time with Tyler.  

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