So Halloween kicked off our month of hospital visits!! And I just have to say, I am tired of it. We went in on Halloween to be admitted for some testing and to get some fluids.
The next week we went in because Jacob was having major dehydration symptoms. So we went to the ER and they admitted us for fluids and for watching us for other symptoms. He was impatient for about 2 days.
Then we went back the week after. He was having a lot of chest pain and his heart rate was crazy high and would skyrocket every time he would move. He also had some symptoms of dehydration and was just not feeling like himself. We went in and they wanted us to see a cardiologist while we were there. So he got admitted again and we had an echo and EKG and all kinds of stuff. They all came back fine so that's good. We don't have to worry about his heart for a while.
A few days before thanksgiving he started having dehydration symptoms again. It was starting to get very frustrating. His heart rate was going crazy again and I was talking to a friend and she said we should check his ketones. So I did, and they were fine. We rechecked them again a few days later and he actually had some in his urine!! It was pretty dark which means its in the high range. So I emailed our ped and he told me that if he didnt get better than we should head to the ER. Well we went through thanksgiving and then the next day he was just getting worse. So we headed back to the ER. And they gave him fluids and then sent us back home.
He felt good for a few days and then was back to where he was before. We tried this time to wait for longer than a week but it only took us a little over a week until we were back in the ER! He had dehydration again. I am getting a little irritated with this. I really wish we could figure out a solution to all of this. I am not liking that the ER nurses know us, and zelda, by name now. When we left this past time, the nurse said...if we don't see you before, have a good Christmas. I love that they know us and that they take such good care of us, but I wish we could just go 2 weeks without a hospital or ER visit!!
It has taken a toll on ALL of us! Poor Tyler has suffered in lots of ways. This poor kid has had to get thrown to the side while we deal with Jacob. His school work is suffering, his behavior is suffering, and he is super clingy which means that he is missing me for sure. Dad usually stays behind and takes care of Tyler but its not the same. I am so scared for December after seeing what November had in store for us. I LOVE the Christmas season and its so hard to do anything living in fear that Jacob is going to get sick and we will have to go back to the hospital. I know that we shouldn't live in that fear but its hard not to.
Every time we try to do something fun, its too much for Jacob and he ends up needing oxygen or he is exhausted and goes to sleep for hours or he just gets so sick he cant get off the couch. Tom and I are trying so hard to make this Christmas great for BOTH boys!! They both deserve it. But Tyler especially. Usually for Christmas we do a lot of baking and eating. But since Jacob can't eat anymore I feel so bad making ANYTHING! But then Tyler gets sad because he misses making and decorating cookies, and trains, and gingerbread houses. Sometimes we focus so much on the child that is "sick" and leave the siblings out of it. But at times they need just as much, if not more, attention because they get left out of so much. Hopefully this Christmas season will turn around for us all and we can enjoy the last 2 weeks of it!!
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